Thanks to the mild temperature and absence of set school days, May through September is the most sought-after migration period. However, these next several weeks are also fantastic for you early birds in terms of mobility from one area to another. Though it’s fantastic for transporting boxes, the winter frost is now thawing and is bad for discouraging pests.
In the warm seasons, most creepy-crawlies are beginning to emerge from hiding and be active. They won’t object to invading our comfortable homes simply because the temperature is lovely! This is why you may discover fresh insect issues as you begin to live in your new house. Pests that merely require a solitary location to breed and scavenge for food will find attraction in an empty house left for weeks or months on end. By consulting a pest control website, let’s review the best strategies to prevent pests from becoming a long-standing problem in your new house.
How to ensure a pest-free moving experience?
- Know Your New Home’s History
Knowing the pest history of your new house is vital. Before you relocate, ask the former owners or the real estate agent about any past pest issues. This will help you to estimate the possible nature of your work fairly.
- Get A Professional Inspection
A professional pest assessment is smart before you move into your new house. Experts in pest control can point out problems you might miss. Over time, professional looking at things will save you money and time. They are qualified to spot such issues early on. Following their advice lets you deal with pest problems before they become significant concerns.
- Clean Thoroughly Before Moving In
Pests find a less appealing house in terms of cleanliness. Give your new house a thorough cleaning before moving your stuff. Given food leftovers and wetness, the kitchen and bathroom especially deserve extra attention as they are often pest hotspots. To ensure the house is thoroughly cleaned, consider floor-to-ceiling wash using expert cleaning services.
A full cleaning will also remove any leftovers or residue from past residents that can attract pests. Starting again guarantees that you won’t be carrying on issues from the past. It also helps you become acquainted with your new house and identify any possible places for bugs to hide or enter.
- Treat Known Problem Areas
See a professional pest control company to have any identified problem areas or bug issues fixed should the examination find any. Better still, take care of these problems before you move in. Following up with the pest control provider also helps guarantee the treatments’ efficacy. They can offer insightful guidance on future ways to prevent pests.
- Seal Up Entry Points
Pests usually find their way into dwellings through little crevices and holes. Look over your house’s outside, including windows and doors, for any openings and seal them. A small caulking job can help greatly stop bug access.
Take your time carefully looking over the whole house, including less obvious areas such as where utility lines enter your property. Sometimes, even little holes may be sufficient for pests to pass through. Though difficult, this is a necessary chore. Not only will tight sealing of your house help keep pests out, but it will also increase its energy efficiency.
Many experts in pest management employ cutting-edge, highly efficient remedies not accessible to the general public. They can identify the insects or tiny mammals that might find residence in your house.
Their years of experience and industry-specific tools help them to find everything from cockroaches to millipedes, mice, and fleas.